Executive Summary

Some days, you just want the short version. Not a long website.
2002 called. It wants its sales process back.
There are two types of sales teams. They either focus on:

– Sales Process 1.0 = sales reps, in sales meetings

– Sales Process 2.0 = buyers, in internal meetings 
   where decisions are actually made ⤴

Most teams fall into “1.0.” They build a process around their sales reps, not their buyers:


Which is the reason win rates hover around 20%. They build low to no influence where buying decisions are actually made — internal meetings, without reps in the room.
Your sales process, version 2.0.
That’s why Fluint is a sales process designed to influence the buying process.

Guiding each individual buyer’s journey from first call through upsell, using written content.

How does it work? Our AI writes content, tied to specific deal stages. For example, “at Stage 2, draft a business case,” then “Stage 3, write a demo brief,” and “Stage 4, mutual action plan.”

Why written content? Two reasons:

1. For your buyers: Short summaries can be “in the room,” even if you can’t be. Scripting the message for executives (who won’t read your 30-slide decks).

2. For your revenue team: A way to get everyone from sales engineers to customer success on the same page with the customer. Literally.
Two questions for you.
How would you know if it’s time to make this shift? Well…

1…what % of deals in your forecast, right now, have a written business case?

We don’t mean an ROI calculator or landing page, either.

A simple executive summary your buyers wrote with you. (The average is just 8% of deals, and just 12% of these close, vs. 64% with a business case.)

2…can your revenue team describe in < 60 seconds what each customer wants?

Most times, they can’t.

Not without sounding like a “persona deck.” There’s no easy answers, because account plans, demo briefs, handoff docs, etc… don’t exist.

Answering these questions is about building your process.

Which is going to take a fair amount of work from you, too. You can’t just buy software and hope it works.. But we’ll guide you through it, step-by-step.

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