Consulting Style Exec Summary

A good fit for early-stage deals without metrics in place: focus on the situation, and why change.

Recommended use:
Stage 3
Business case
Use this framework to:

Grab executive attention early in deals, with a sharp storyline on why change.

What ‘good’ looks like:
  • The Situation summary gains agreement on the specific facts of what’s changing.
  • The Complication outlines why the buying team can’t let it go unaddressed.
  • The Recommendation rules out other options, in favor of one approach.

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Use our AI and have Fluint write this framework for you.

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Fluint’s AI writes content using your buyer’s own words so your have a message that sells inside of every deal.

Fill gaps using closed-won data

Fluint compares your deal to “what good looks like,” from closed-won data, then writes you discovery questions.

Give your champion a message

Real time collaboration to keep your entire deal team on the same page: sharing, commenting, live editing.