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Winning messaging to stop deals from stalling
Stop losing deals when your reps aren't in the room
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Close execution gaps across deals
Figure out if your deal will get a decision, or get deleted
Designing your mid-market & enterprise sales process
Grab our most popular framework
Simplify a complex decision for an executive
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Business Case Scorecard
Building a business case isn't just an activity in a part of the sales process. It *is* the process, and every selling activity flows from it.
Writing a business case is one of the best ways to sharpen your discovery.
Our most popular framework: an executive summary that contrasts the problem and the payoff.
Building business cases is the highest-impact, yet most-overlooked approach to driving sales velocity. Here's how it moves the needle more than any other activity.
The One Page Business Case
The SCR Framework
An Interactive Guide: The 1-Page Business Case
In this episode, we discuss Nate’s life as a start-up founder, a deep dive into how to sell enterprise deals, and more.
You’ll leave this session with a wildly practical, step-by-step playbook for creating champions who sell when you’re not in the room. Using a business case you both authored together.