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When sales leaders say “build a POV” (point of view), here’s what they mean — and how to do it:
Close rate is directly tied to increased revenue in a way pipeline coverage isn’t. Here's how every seller needs can boost theirs, and a counterintuitive link between your pipeline metrics.
Top B2B sales teams are embracing Buyer Enablement as the rocket fuel they need to generate more revenue. Understand what this shift means for you, and your job.
Becoming a better writer is becoming a better seller. Use these copywriting secrets to supercharge your win rate, and help your champions sell internally.
A deep-dive into a two-part framework for running short, contained proof-of-concepts that increase buying confidence and deal value.
Here’s a move 98% of sellers will ignore. But it’s as close as I can come to guaranteeing you executive attention: building a future-state press release around your customer's outcome.
I’ve concluded writing is the most highly-important, under-developed skill for sales reps.If you study standout reps landing six, then seven, then eight-figure deals, you’ll see a pattern.
Objections are part of every deal. But most reps don’t realize "handling" them is counterproductive. Use the 'Understand-Unpack-Respond' framework instead, and keep your deals on track.
Building business cases is the highest-impact, yet most-overlooked approach to driving sales velocity. Here's how it moves the needle more than any other activity.
In this episode of Winning the Challenger Sale, WTCS host Jen Allen is joined by Nate Nasralla, Founder of Fluint.
There’s a major problem with battlecards. Every time you use one, you’re fighting a feature war. Learn how the best battlecards pivot the conversation away from the competition.
A champion — someone with both power and influence inside the buying circle — can help you create momentum when you’re hitting inertia. But how do you know if your contact is a true champion?
Whether you’re an AE accepting a promotion, or sales leadership moving your focus up-market, closing larger deals can take far longer than you’d expect. Here’s an insider’s look at 10 corporate concepts you should know as you develop larger deals.
Revenue moves at the slow speed of relationships. Learn how to trigger more buying urgency — the jet fuel for high-performance sales teams — in an authentic way.
People don’t like change. That's why you’ll lose deals despite having a logical, solid financial case. Use this framework to keep your deals on track to close.
Building a business case isn't just an activity in a part of the sales process. It *is* the process, and every selling activity flows from it.
How, exactly, do you create trust in sales? Can you measure it? How much do you really need to build? This post answers these questions with a simple mental model you can apply to each of your deals.
Writing a business case is one of the best ways to sharpen your discovery.
Creating champions helps you build a stronger business case. Co-creating a business case helps you build stronger champions. Here's how both steps work together.
SVP: “So how long do we have your team engaged for?” Me: “How long?” (← I'm slightly confused here) SVP: “Yeah, did we just sign on for this year, or did we setup a longer-term thing?”
Every contact in your deal is a vector, moving the buying team in a certain direction. Your progress is the sum of all vectors in the buying committee.
Sellers who can communicate more while saying less, win. Shrinking the sales cycle down to 1 sentence is how it's done.
You'll never guess it. Plus, learn what Jeff Bezos can teach you about enabling buyers, and closing more deals.
Read a preview and order our new book, Selling With. It's all about the art of selling with champions, to shape internal buying conversations & close enterprise deals.
The most obvious and important realities are often the hardest to see and talk about. I want to talk about one of these obvious, unseen realities...
In this post, we’ll compare three leading sales enablement tools — Seismic, Highspot and Showpad — to help you make a confident, low-regret buying decision.
In this episode, we discuss Nate’s life as a start-up founder, a deep dive into how to sell enterprise deals, and more.
Episode from the B2B Power Hour. Nick sits down with Nate Nasralla, Founder of Fluint to discuss how Enterprise AE’s are actually closing deals with the ever growing buying committees.
Especially when selling virtually, helping champions articulate your value, in the internal language of the buying team, can make or break a deal.
In just 60 seconds, I can tell you (with far more accuracy than your forecasting platform) if your business case (and therefore, deal) is going to get a decision — or get deleted.
Episode from I'm Not Selling You Anything. Nate talks about how to sell with a committed champion during every deal to ensure a seat at the decision table.
Narratives are powerful enough to create the second-largest bank failure in recent history. And they’re powerful enough to shape the direction of massive, global enterprises too.
How limiting your words can multiply the value of your sales conversations.
Episode from the Love Selling, Hate Sales Podcast. Ever wonder what your buyers are saying when you leave the room? Often, it's up to your champion to sell the deal to the full buying committee.
Here’s the funny thing about deals that stall mid-funnel: I’ll bet you have a completely logical reason for why the buying team should have kept moving forward.
We all hit a point in our career where we start interacting with C-level execs more often. But we don't really know how to operate at an exec-level yet.
My career in sales, plus all 95,000 words on this blog, summarized in a short memo with 10 bullet points.
It’s been said “time kills all deals.” It’s true of a transactional sale. But in the context of a complex sale, time isn’t always the enemy.
Any deal you’re trying to develop that’s not directly aligned with a company priority is at risk. Even if you’ve built a solid champion, it’s your job to enable them with a sharp message that cuts through the noise.
Enterprise account mapping is about designing the flow of internal communications. Who needs to say what to who, and when, to keep a deal moving.
We often forget our buyers have a role to play in the sales process. By getting them to do a lot of the hard work with you, you'll increase your chance of getting the deal done.
Sales team QBR’s are incredibly expensive to run. And based on how most teams run them, they’re often a waste.
One CRO we work with made a pretty radical decision this year. He wasn’t the only one, but I think Charlie’s a good example, because when you hear his team’s high-level stats...
Deals hanging by a single thread are risky. But there are wrong ways to multithread, too. Here's the right way to get multithreaded & manage large group dynamics.
Most people think writing in sales is about documenting what you already know. But it’s not. It’s the process of discovering what you don’t yet know.
Conversations happen about your career, when you’re not in the room. Here's how to build internal allies and shape their stories by managing up well.
Sales cycles grew an average of 27 days in the first half of this year. So here's how to compress cycles, and keep this quarter's deals from slipping.
It's wild how many sales teams still rely on the “3X pipeline coverage” idea.
Reps are told to "sell value” all the time. But what does that actually mean? Here's how to shift away from selling products and design a true, value-based sales experience.
If you’re not finding and working through both types of problems, your deal’s at risk. Yet, 90% of sales activity only touches on the first problem: Math.
Sales reps typically see low to no engagement from buyers in their MAPs. Then they complain “they don’t work.” Here's how to boost MAP engagement and keep deals on track.
A point of view is the foundation for every solid business case. Here's how to create one, drawing on 5 popular consulting frameworks.
It’s easy to feel awkward while talking pricing. Here are five phrases that help you build trust with buyers while talking budgets.
A simple formula that breaks down your buyer’s problems into a specific, compelling statement that grabs attention. Plus a step-by-step case study.
Make these two shifts that boost your win rates, and align your sales activities with the internal sale your deal champion is managing.
Budgets are a fraction of what they were last year. Which means you need to structure and de-risk your deals to appeal to the CFO. Here's how.
Every minute with an executive plays an outsized role in your deal’s outcome. Here’s an end-to-end process to help you nail your next exec-level meeting.
Last month, Rick Sabóia landed a deal so large, his customer and company issued a press release. It’s the kind of deal enterprise sellers can spend a career working for. And get this: He was an “SMB rep” at the time.
There’s one sales practice that everyone uses, but few master. The practice? Asking good questions.
The typical, middle-funnel email is totally forgettable. It blends in when it should stand out. Replace your tired old email templates with these frameworks.
Learn to sell enterprise deals from these internal communications you were never supposed to read.
Almost nothing is guaranteed in sales. That’s clear to see when a late-stage deal you’ve been developing for months blows up.
Develop poise and a calming presence—which is attractive to buyers—while pushing back the anxiety so common in sales.
Most sellers have never been buyers. But when you buy, you change how you sell. Learn from dozens of sellers buying for the first time.
"I don’t read PowerPoint decks. Just give me 3 really good bullet points." That's what Gregg Scoresby said while I was sitting in the PHX Ventures conference room late last year.
If you look at the way executives make some of their most significant, strategic, expensive and (potentially risky) decisions, there’s a pattern.
Communication isn't what you say. It's what your buyers hear, and buyers hear a whole lot more than what you say. Understand how to build your sales process around your buyer's point of view to win more sales.
This 4,262 word email leaked from Mark Zuckerberg. And it shares almost everything you need to know about selling to executives, and what kind of messaging...